Croatia Squad,sq

阅读:0 来源: 发表时间:2023-02-14 20:12作者:八卦会火
    接要: 一慢摇男声英文歌开头说一句英文下面节奏 很慢低音强( 等等等等活在当下(克罗地亚小队Remix),我只知道我在做什么,但是我的牙刷应该参考我的名声,我希望采Cr...

问题二、一慢摇男声英文歌开头说一句英文下面节奏 很慢低音强( 等等等等



从国际足联开始, 国际足联国际足球联合会(法国)国际足球联合会本届比赛小组A组:德国哥斯达黎加波兰波兰厄瓜多尔厄瓜多尔厄瓜多尔厄瓜多尔B组:英格兰英格兰召唤p巴拉圭巴拉圭特立尼达和多巴哥特立尼达和多巴哥瑞典C组:阿根廷阿根廷科特迪瓦科特迪瓦(非洲) 塞尔维亚和黑山荷兰荷兰D组:墨西哥墨西哥伊朗伊朗安哥拉P奥尔特加葡萄牙E组:意大利加纳美国捷克捷克F组:巴西克罗地亚澳大利亚日本G组:法国法国瑞士韩国多哥多哥H组:西班牙乌克兰西班牙突尼斯沙特阿拉伯沙特阿拉伯2006年世界杯官方主题曲:我们的生活2006年世界杯音乐会歌曲:欢庆这一天2006年世界杯决赛歌曲:Hips Don “t Lie世界杯回顾英语红牌黄牌黄牌黄牌黄牌进球目标无效。犯规;犯规;犯规;球门;球门;手球;头球;头球;罚球;合理的冲撞;合理的冲撞;近距离盯人防守;盯人防守;知觉动作;假动作;射门;失误;越位;越位;越位传球;传球;突破;运球;人墙;人墙;帽子戏法;拖延战术;拖延战术啦啦队长更衣室;休息室;更衣室;国家队教练停止等待。不要拉。别推了。不要推。不要耽误比赛。不要耽误时间。假球非法操纵比赛,重温球场常用语淘汰赛,淘汰赛比赛规则比赛规则密切注视盯着人战术)保护对不公平裁判的抗议越位越位第一(第二)半场上(下)半场过顶球过顶球投掷指示器, 计分板滑动铲球铲球开球开球售罄门票售罄任意球扔出界外球墙骚乱体育场骚乱角球角球鼓掌欢呼观众的叫喊帽子戏法平局平局直接(间接)踢直接(间接)八分之一决赛半决赛半决赛四分之一决赛第一轮一面倒的比赛一面倒的循环赛比赛规则比赛规则兴奋剂检查药检取消资格抽签

sportsmanship 运动员的道德风格 overhead kick 倒友谨凯勾球match ban 禁赛命令 relegation 降级 ranking 排名,名次 grouping 分组 schele 比赛日程 heading 顶球 half time 中场休息 stopping 停球 kick-out 踢出界 sending-off 罚下场 place kick 定位球 pass 传球

Croatia Squad,sq


1 帽子戏法的来历 :在现代足球中,一个球员在一场比赛中独中三元被称作Hat-trick,就是帽子戏法。这个说法源于19世纪70年代在英国广为流行的板球比赛。板球和美国的棒球相似,都要求投球手投掷的速度越快越好,对方击球越远越好。自有板球以来,凡进板球场观赛的球迷都严格遵守着一条规矩:一迈进球场大门便须脱帽,这意味着对球场上所有球员、裁判和观众的尊重。在这里,帽子就代表了尊重。一般说来,如果一名投球手连续投出3个好球而将对方3名球员淘汰出局,是件相当神奇的事。板球俱乐部碰到这样的情况,便授予那个投手一顶帽子,作为一种至上的荣誉象征。简言之,”帽子戏法”的本意就是板球手连续用3个球得分而获得一顶帽子鼓励,这个词19世纪70年代才出现在印刷品中的,后来就渐渐的被引入到了足球领域中,一直沿用到了现在。现在”帽子戏法”的应用范围已不限于体育领域,人们还用它来形容任何连续3次的成功。例如前英国首相撒切尔夫人,三度竞选连获成功,这史无前例的成就,美国《时代周刊》当时称之为”玛格丽特·撒切尔”的”帽子戏法”。“Hat-trick”意为:帽子戏法。特指在一场比赛中连进3球。这个词源于19世纪70年代在英国广为流行的板球比赛。在板球比赛中,如果一名投球手连续投出3个好球而将对方3名球员淘汰出局,他通常会得到一顶新帽子作为奖品,这就是“hat trick”的来历。现在“hat trick”的应用范围已不限于体育领域,人们还用它来形容任何连续3次的成功。尤以足球比赛最为常见。帽子戏法是英文Hat-trick的意译,起源于板球比赛。队员使用的球拍是一块木板,打的是红皮小球。自有板球以来,凡进板球场观赛的球迷都严格遵守着一条规矩:一迈进球场大门便须脱帽,这意味着对球场上所有球员、裁判和观众的尊重。在这里,帽子就代表了尊重。 一般说来,板球投手能用连续3个球得分,是件相当牛的事。早在19世纪,板球俱乐部碰到这样牛的事,便授予那个投手一顶帽子,作为一种至上的荣誉象征,而且观看比赛的观众也会脱下帽子向选手致意。这叫叫作”帽子戏法”,简言之,帽子戏法的本意就是板球手连续用3个球得分而获得一顶帽子鼓励的游戏啦!由板球比赛到橄榄球比赛,足球比赛,以及其它一些比较类似的球类比赛,帽子戏法就这样用开啦!现在,在体育竞赛场合,如果有独中三元的表现,就叫做“帽子戏法”。 帽子戏法,足球用语。专指在一场比赛中,一名队员踢进对方球门三个球。帽子戏法源于刘易斯.卡洛尔的童话《爱丽斯漫游奇境记》。书中说到一位制帽匠能够出神入化地用帽子变戏。后来,英国板球协会借用其意,给连续三次击中门柱或横木、使对方3人出局的每个投手奖帽子一顶,以显示其出神入化的投球技巧,这便是板球的“帽子戏法”。后来,“帽子戏法”被引用到足球比赛中,其具体含意就是“在一场比赛中,一名队员踢进对方球门三个球”。“帽子戏法”的说法,在我国流行较晚,大约始于中译本《贝利自传》的问世。在1958年“世界杯”巴西对法国的半决赛中,贝利一人连入三球,淘汰了法国队,《贝利自传》将此次辉煌辟为一章节,题目就叫“帽子戏法”。2 黑马:黑马一词并不是股市中专用术语,黑马原本是指在赛马场上本来不被看好的马匹,却能在比赛中让绝大多数人跌破眼镜,成为出乎意料的获胜者。19世纪,英国政治家杰明狄斯雷斯在《年轻的公爵》这部小说中描写了一个精彩的赛马场面。比赛刚开始,两匹夺冠呼声最高的良种马一路领先,眼看其中一匹胜券在握,全场为之狂呼。不料在接近终点时,忽然有一匹不起眼的黑马从后面奋力追赶上来,风驰电掣般把两匹良种马抛在后面,领先抵达终点,夺得了冠军。从此,“黑马”一语不胫而走,由赛马场上的俚语发展成体坛上的惯用语,不时出现在新闻报道中———当一个初出茅庐的运动员或运动队出了好成绩、获得了冠军,赛后的新闻媒体便会以“出现黑马”加以报道赞誉。黑马一词渐渐地又扩大到其他领域的报道中。1861年,原本名气不大的林肯当选为美国第16任总统时,有人也把他称为“黑马式”的总统。“黑马”在《现代汉语词典》的注释是:“比喻实力难测的竞争者或出人意料的优胜者”。3德比:一百多年前,在现代足球和篮球还没有成型的19世纪,赛马是欧洲的第一运动。1870年,“德比”(derby)这个词在体育界诞生时,就是出现在赛马比赛中。当时在英国最古老的舍瑞郡艾普森赛马比赛中,德比十二世伯爵爱德华·斯塔利把“德比”引用于赛马,那是指同为3岁、体重也相同的两匹赛马之间的比赛,赛程为1.5英里。130年后的21世纪,艾普森赛马比赛仍在继续,但当人们再听到“德比”时已经是在足球场上了,而此时的“德比”也引申为足球地理上同城或邻居球队之间的对抗。英超有伦敦德比、曼彻斯特德比、伯明翰德比、利物浦德比等等;意甲有罗马德比、米兰德比、都灵德比;西甲有马德里德比、巴塞罗那德比;德甲的慕尼黑德比、鲁尔区德比;南美的德比也广泛存在:布宜诺斯艾利斯上演的德比只有白刀子进红刀子出;圣保罗德比更是无时无刻不在上演……可以说,足球因为德比而美丽,而美丽的足球则带给我们无穷的快乐。□德比是英国中部的一个城市,以举行英国的大赛马会而著称。此项赛马会是在1870年由德贝伯爵创立,每年六月的第一个星期三在伦敦附近的EPSOM举行赛马,是英国非常有名的赛马大会之一。这天被命名为德比日,后来英国人把它引用到了两支同城球队之间的比赛,以形容比赛的激烈。这就是德比大战。世界德比之最历史最悠久的德比苏格兰格拉斯哥:流浪者———凯尔特人这是世界足球历史上历史最悠久、最负盛名也是迄今为止实力最为均衡的一对德比。他们合起来把持了苏格兰联赛历史上一半以上的冠军头衔,但凯尔特人在1967年拿到的欧洲冠军杯却是苏格兰独一无二的。最让人惋惜的德比意大利都灵:都灵———尤文图斯如果不是1949年5月4日的空难,那么如今在意大利都灵称王称霸的很可能不是尤文图斯。在那次空难事件中,都灵队整整损失了一大批国家队精英,据说这让意大利足球水平“倒退了20年还多”。此后都灵队再也没能找到往日辉煌,虽然上一次夺得欧洲冠军已经是10年前的事情了,但他们如今仍然要为保级而战。当然,这同样也造就了尤文图斯的霸业。最热闹的德比阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯:胡拉坎———独立———竞技———河床———博卡———萨斯菲尔德———青年人———拉努斯———圣洛伦佐等13个球队这是最热闹的德比,我们可能很难想象在一个城市里面汇集了如此之多的高水平俱乐部,这些球队几乎代表了整个阿根廷足球的历史,每一个球队都有着光荣的传统和引以为豪的代表人物,他们之间的斗争却又每每被爆炒到极至。平均实力最强的德比意大利米兰:AC米兰———国际米兰一母同胞,他们在获得的战绩上几乎打成平手,中国的意甲迷中此二队的拥趸最多。最具影响力的德比大会:英格兰伦敦:阿森纳———托特纳姆热刺———切尔西———西汉姆联———南安普顿———查尔顿———水晶宫———女王公园巡游者这是全欧洲最繁华的足球大会,伦敦城中汇集了一大批优秀的俱乐部,其中包括了六个超级球队和两个常常出现在超级行列的水晶宫和女王公园巡游者。阿森纳、热刺和切尔西之间的比赛由于近年来实力逐渐靠拢而变得更加激烈。最新崛起的豪门德比意大利罗马:罗马———拉齐奥如果在10年前,这两个球队之间的竞争并不会比维罗纳同切沃的德比更加引人关注,但是随着两个球队都开始走上暴发户的路子,特别是最近两年两队各自拿到了一个联赛冠军,因此双方的对抗异常火爆。德比战缘何你死我活同一个城市的两个或者多个球队在各个方面存在分歧是德比情结的根本原因:意识形态方面的对峙属于比较极端的例子,更多的还是出于历史原因,沿袭下来的传统甚至一种心态上的惯性,使得德比球队之间的斗争不停地升级。意识形态的分歧并不多见,不过苏格兰格拉斯哥的两支球队流浪者和凯尔特人就属于这种情况:1872年建队的流浪者强调新教信仰,自1910年起禁止天主教徒加入,而凯尔特人则是一名天主教圣母会教士在1887年组建,该队的支持者是爱尔兰裔的苏格兰球迷。这两个球队从根本上说是代表了北爱尔兰和苏格兰的宗派传统,教义上的冲突让这两个球队从来没有停止过你死我活的斗争。还有一部分是属于历史原因,这其中不少德比球队都曾经是一家,结果出于种种原因最终分裂成两家,意大利球队尤为突出:在米兰,1899年米兰板球和足球俱乐部成立,1908年主张以国际球员为主的一派出走,在米兰城的另外一个地方成立了国际俱乐部,这就是如今的国际米兰,而原有的球队在重新换了老板之后变成了今天的AC米兰。其他德比的结仇却跟他们创立者的世仇有很大关系,比如前苏联首都莫斯科的几个球队,都有着颇深的历史渊源:斯巴达克代表了生产合作社,鱼雷艇代表了汽车工人,火车头队代表了铁路工人,中央陆军和苏维埃之翼则隶属于武装部队的体育部,迪纳摩则代表克格勃。由于这些部门之间的矛盾,因此这些球队之间的比赛也因为背景的不同而变得格外有意思。相同的事情在南美也不例外,巴西里约热内卢,两“弗”的对抗每次都能够吸引15万人来马拉卡纳看球,因为弗卢米嫩塞一直把自己定位成贵族足球队,50年代前甚至不愿意同黑人球员签约,而弗拉门戈从一开始就欢迎社会各个阶层的人加盟,这个传统一直延续至今,包括意大利的罗马和拉齐奥也存在这种性质的对抗4乌龙球:前几年,德国的施拉普纳不远万里来到中国帮助我们的足球事业,有人给了施先生一个称呼:施大爷,并且很快流行起来。现在要弄清楚这个称呼的始作俑者不会太难。不过几百年后要搞清楚这个问题恐怕会费些功夫,搞不好还会以为是因为施拉普纳年过古稀、德高望重所以被尊称为“大爷”,那就相差千里了。好在中国有专门研究这方面的学问,那就是考据之学。将来不失传的话,类似这样的问题都不难理出头绪。考据之学是明清时代兴盛起来的,但这个兴盛细论起来有些凄凉。清初大兴文字狱,笔下稍不留神,就有杀身之祸。一个叫查嗣庭的官员在江西主考,出了个题“维民所止”,有人密报说“维、止”是影射“雍正”二字去首,结果查大人入狱,病死狱中,最后还被戮尸,是欲加之罪何患无辞的范本。这样的环境中,谁还有心思赋诗作文,大家一股脑都转而研究经书的文字音韵、校勘训诂等等,考据之学因此成为时尚。到乾隆、嘉庆年间,这门学问登封造极,名家辈出、成绩斐然,史有乾嘉学派之称。考据的核心是要弄清事情的来龙去脉。世间万事万物,都有自己的来历和传承。如果以考据的态度细究起来,会发现许多意想不到的结果。“乌龙球”是足球中一个很常见的说法,意思谁都知道。从语言的角度说,其来历大约是这样的:英语“own goal”(自进本方球门的球)与粤语的“乌龙”一词发音发音相近,而粤语“乌龙”有“搞错、乌里巴涂”等意思,大约在上个世纪六、七十年代,香港记者便在报道中以“乌龙”来翻译“own goal”。那么“乌龙”究竟何意?1998年世界杯的时候,“乌龙球”大盛,兴趣所至,我对乌龙有一考。最后吃惊地发现乌龙原来竟然是一条忠心耿耿的狗。晋陶潜《搜神记》有载:传说晋时会稽张然养狗名乌龙,有奴与张然之妻私通,欲杀张然,乌龙伤奴以救主。后人由此以乌龙为狗的代称。唐代白居易有诗:“乌龙卧不惊,青鸟飞相逐。”李商隐也有诗:“遥知小阁还斜照,羡杀乌龙卧锦茵。”皆属此意。但忠诚事主的“乌龙”到头来居然变成足球赛事中最为人所不耻的自进球的代称,实在是一代名犬的悲哀。我过去的古文字学老师满腹经纶,一生以读书教书为乐,述而不著。记得有一次到先生家拜访,先生指着书房里一大摞文稿说:“这是某某(为长者讳隐其名)写的甲骨文文字研究,积稿盈尺,但都是望文生意,一窍不通。”凑巧而且不幸的是,数年之后我偶然遇到这位某某,前呼后拥,已经被媒体捧为集金石、甲骨文、书法于一身的大家!时至今日,只要看到诸如“水变油”等等的闹剧,我就会马上想起这位某某。在这样的问题上,考据的态度和精神实在是需要提倡。5越位:1.凡进攻队员较球更接近于对方球门线者,即为处于越位位置。下列情况除外:a.该队员在本方半场内。b.至少有对方队员两人比该队员更接近于对方的球门线。2.当队员踢或触及球的一瞬间,同队队员处于越位位置时,裁判员认为该队员有下列行为,则应判为越位:a.在干扰比赛或干扰对方;b.企图从越位位置获得利益。3.下列情况,队员不应被判为越位:a.队员仅仅处在越位位置;b.队员直接接得球门球、角球或界外掷球。4.队员被判罚越位,裁判员应判由对方队员在越位地点踢间接任意球。如果该队员在对方球门区内越位,那么这个任意球可以在越位时所在球门区内任何地点执行。国际理事会关于越位决议:1.判断越位,是以同队队员将球传给他的一刹那,而不是他接球时。如队员处在非越位位置,同队队员向他传球或踢出任意球时,该队员在球飞行时跑到前方也不构成越位。2.如果进攻队员平行于对方倒数第二个防守队员或平行子对方最后两名以上(含两名)防守队员,那么该进攻队员不越位。6死亡之组是说,在这个组中,都是很有可能拿冠军的球队,但是很不幸被分在一个组里,要经过小组赛来淘汰分数低的球队,很激烈···很有看头·· 比方说,巴西跟阿根廷,意大利,西班牙分在这个小组里,这些队曾经都有过夺冠,而在小组赛里就必须淘汰两只球队。很残酷,这样的组就叫“死亡之组”


Bookmakers Favor Germany to Win EURO 2008The German national football team wants to end a dismal 12-year run without a win when the EURO 2008 football championships start this weekend. Bookmakers have every confidence they will, making them favorites to clinch a fourth European title. The bookmakers” favorite: Will Germany triumph at Euro 2008?You have to go back 12 long years since Germany last won a game at the European championships: Oliver Bierhoff”s extra-time goal in the final of EURO 1996 in England against the Czech Republic sealed the victory for Germany and the country”s third European championship title.Since then, Germany has lost three matches and drawn three ring its last two campaigns to win at Europe”s biggest sporting event. Despite this dismal run, Germany is now the favorite with bookmakers to win the competition this year.The high expectations of a German victory are in large part down to the luck of the draw — the team will be playing against a weak lineup of countries ring early matches, gifting the side a seemingly easy run to the quarterfinal. In the group stage the three-time champions take on Poland (more…), a team they have never lost to in 16 games, followed by Croatia who only beat them once in seven meetings and then co-hosts Austria whose last victory against Germany goes back to 1986.EURO 2008 LIVE SCORES EURO 2008 live results and match fixtures. And even if Germany cruise through the group stage, they will be spared from playing some of the other big sides — at least until the final: World Cup champions Italy, France and the Netherlands are all in a different half of the draw. “The reason why Germany is the favorite is that they have the easiest way through to the semifinal,” Graham Sharpe, media relations director of British bookmaker William Hill, told SPIEGEL ONLINE. The bookmaker has set the chances of another German triumph at 4:1. Spain and Italy are second and third favorites, respectively.The punters seem to agree with those predictions: On Betfair, the world”s largest Internet betting exchange, the three countries are also the pre-tournament favorites.FORUM Euro 2008: Who do you think is going to win?Discuss the issue with other SPIEGEL ONLINE readers!Another factor that might boost Germany”s chances is that many of the matches will feel like home games. According to the AP, there will be 9,900 German fans in the 30,000 seater Klagenfurt stadium for the first game against Poland on Sunday. The organizers expect another 25,000 Germans, who do not have tickets, to cross the border into Austria, just to be in the Austrian town for the game.Many Germans will be hoping their team will repeat their performance from the 2006 World Cup when their side, playing on home soil, played some attractive attacking football and came in third. According to a recent survey, carried out by FORSA for the German weekly Stern, 35 percent of those questioned believed their national side would win the European championships.Germans” hopes will once again rest on the shoulders of their influential captain, midfielder Michael Ballack (more…), who after a long injury spell has returned close to his best form. Germany also has a wealth of talent in attack — with Mario Gomez, Miroslav Klose, Lukas Podolski and Kevin Kuranyi expected to score plenty of goals.NEWSLETTERSign up for Spiegel Online”s daily newsletter and get the best of Der Spiegel”s and Spiegel Online”s international coverage in your In- Box everyday. But questions remain about Germany”s defense, as central defender Christopher Metzelder has been sidelined most of the year with a foot injury and Torsten Frings, another experienced defender, also battled with injury last season. Another weak link in the team could be goalkeeper Jens Lehmann, who spent most of last season on the bench at London”s Arsenal after losing the No. 1 spot. Although an excellent goalkeeper, he is prone to making horrific howlers.Despite the team”s defensive weaknesses, Germany national team coach Joachim Löw is confident about their chances. “We are one of the favourites,” he told German sports news agency SID. “We proved that by our third place at the World Cup and a successful qualifying campaign. But for me Italy and Spain are, of course, also among the top favorites. Everyone is able to beat everyone else at the European Championships. The quality is simply very high and there is not much between any of the teams.”Germany’s road to Euro 2008The preliminary round has been handed out and the road ahead for Miroslav Klose & Co. is not an easy task to sort through. Opening day starts on June 7, 2008. Germany has drawn Group B to go against Austria, Croatia and Poland.The good news for Germany is that their staff should be back on full when the time comes for these matches. Michael Ballack has already started playing again, as has Philipp Lahm. Bastian Schweinsteiger is nursing a knee injury currently, but will be well over that, assuming he doesn’t take another knock before the Euro’s start. And with any luck, Bernd Schneider will be fit and Jogi will have just as many capable reserves as he has first team members. The Germans will have a rough road and will have to prove themselves once more, but Jogi Loew and company are more than capable. This is going to be an exciting round to say the least.

Croatia Squad,sq


Forty years too long for EnglandThe first nation of football and the global distributor of the game, England are long on passion but short on actual prizes with their 1966 FIFA World Cup™ success on home soil still their only major tournament triumph.Summer 2006 will mark the passing of four decades since Bobby Moore lifted the Jules Rimet trophy but England will travel to Germany among the favourites despite a qualifying campaign that, while largely comfortable, did provide a bump or two towards the end. After opening with a 2-2 draw in Austria, Sven-Goran Eriksson’s side won six games in succession before suffering an embarrassing 1-0 loss to Northern Ireland on 7 September 2005.Add a 4-1 friendly defeat in Denmark a month earlier and England’s credentials were suddenly open to question yet Eriksson’s team responded with home victories over Austria and Poland that secured them first place in Group 6 with a record of eight victories and just one defeat in ten matches.England have made eleven previous FIFA World Cup™ finals appearances, starting with their debut at Brazil 1950. Since the glory of 1966, however, the furthest they have travelled in the competition was to the semi-finals in 1990, where they lost on penalties to West Germany. Four years ago in Korea/Japan, they were losing quarter-finalists for the fifth time, going down 2-1 to Brazil having taken the lead through a Michael Owen goal.Two years later they fell at the same hurdle at the UEFA European Championship in Portugal, beaten on penalties by the hosts, but found some consolation in the explosive form of the then 18-year-old Wayne Rooney. Now 20, this prodigiously gifted forward is already established as the player the national team look to for inspiration.Rooney is not the only world-class talent in a side that also boasts striker Owen and the midfield trio of David Beckham, Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard. In defence too England are strong with John Terry emerging as a genuine contender for a central role alongside Rio Ferdinand or Sol Campbell.Swedish coach Eriksson has been in charge since 2000 and has not enjoyed a finer hour than England’s 5-1 win in Germany in a FIFA World Cup qualifier in September 2001. The question is whether he can rekindle that magic when they return there next summer.Founded 1863Affiliated 1905WC participations 11 (1950, 1954, 1958, 1962, 1966, 1970, 1982, 1986, 1990, 1998, 2002)WC honours World champions (1966)Continental Titles NoneFactsEngland, the cradle of the modern game, took part in the FIFA World Cup finals for the first time in 1950. Despite winning their opening game against Chile, they lost to the USA and Spain and packed their bags after the first round. In 1954, England lost to Uruguay in the quarter-finals, and in 1962 they fell at the same stage to the eventual world champions Brazil.England”s glory came in the 1966 FIFA World Cup, on home turf. Football”s inventors were crowned world champions for the first and only time after a 4-2 win against Germany in the final. Geoff Hurst scored a hat-trick in the match.Since then, England have not progressed beyond the semi-finals. In 1990 they reached the last four but were eliminated by the eventual champions Germany in a penalty shoot-out.1.7 BECKHAM David——————————————————————————–Date of birth: 2 May 1975Height: 182 cmWeight: 74 kgPosition: MidfielderCurrent Club: Real Madrid (ESP)Int”l Goals: 17 (as of 1-Jul-2006)Int”l Caps: 94 (as of 1-Jul-2006)First Int”l Cap: Moldova v. England ( 1-Sep-1996)StatsKeyMP MinP GF PG A SOG S SP5 407 1 0 2 3 7 110LP CRS YC RC TC TS FC FS56 48 0 0 6 7 4 5Budweiser Man of the Match15 Jun England 2:0 (0:0) Trinidad & Tobago More…Club History1993-1995 Manchester United (ENG)1995 Preston North End (ENG) – Loan1995-2003 Manchester United (ENG)Since 2003 Real Madrid (ESP)ProfileDavid Beckham is one of the world’s most recognised sportsmen. Years of success on the field at Manchester United combined with a high-profile lifestyle off it had ensured him a rare level of wealth and celebrity even before he became part of Real Madrid’s galácticos project in 2003.More than anything, however, Beckham is a dedicated professional, who takes immense pride from his role as England captain. His talent with a football was evident from an early age: as a boy he won a Bobby Charlton Soccer Schools National Skills competition and before long he had signed up for his favourite team, Manchester United.Beckham was part of a remarkable United youth side containing fellow future England internationals Nicky Butt, Gary Neville and Paul Scholes that won the FA Youth Cup in 1992. Although it was not until the 1995/96 season, when he was 20, that he established himself in the first team at Old Trafford, the wait was worthwhile.That campaign ended with him collecting Premiership and FA Cup winner’s medals and Beckham began the following season by scoring a memorable goal from the halfway line against Wimbledon. He ended it with the award for English football’s Young Player of the Year and in between made his England debut in a FIFA World Cup™ qualifier against Moldova.Beckham had to wait until the 1998 finals in France to score his first international goal and fittingly it was a trademark free-kick in a 2-0 victory over Colombia. It is arguable that ring the past decade nobody in world football has delivered better set-pieces than the Englishman, who is famed for his ability to provide perfect crosses from the right flank.Unfortunately for Beckham, the 1998 FIFA World Cup ended in dismay as he was sent off for aiming a kick at Diego Simeone ring England’s second-round loss to Argentina. That act of petulance made him a convenient scapegoat for the defeat, yet he won over his critics with his subsequent efforts in an England shirt.After helping United complete a treble of Premiership, FA Cup and UEFA Champions League successes in 1999, Beckham received personal recognition as he finished second in both the FIFA World Player and European Footballer of the Year polls.The next year he was named England captain for the first time for a friendly in Italy and he quickly grew into the role. Relishing the extra responsibility, Beckham sealed his country’s place in the 2002 FIFA World Cup with a spectacular late free-kick in their last qualifier against Greece and his excellent form in 2001 earned him second place in the FIFA World Player of the Year voting.A foot injury meant Beckham faced a race against time to be fit for Korea/Japan but he eventually appeared in every match of England’s run to the quarter-finals in the Far East and enjoyed a moment to savour as his penalty brought a 1-0 victory over old rivals Argentina.After collecting his sixth Premiership winner’s medal in 2003, Beckham said goodbye to English football for a new challenge at Real Madrid. However, he remains a fixture in the England team. He scored fine goals against Wales and Azerjan ring Germany 2006 qualifying and completed 50 matches as national captain ring last November’s friendly against Argentina.Beckham will be 31 when the FIFA World Cup kicks off and will surpass the 90-cap mark ring the tournament. But what he really wants is to end it by emulating another Londoner, Bobby Moore, and lifting world football’s greatest prize.Previous WC Final Matches21 June 2002 England : Brazil 1:2 (1:1)FIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition15 June 2002 Denmark : England 0:3 (0:3)FIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition12 June 2002 Nigeria : England 0:0FIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition7 June 2002 Argentina : England 0:1 (0:1)FIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition2 June 2002 England : Sweden 1:1 (1:0)FIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition30 June 1998 Argentina : England 2:2 a.e.t (2:2, 2:2) 4:3 PSOFIFA World Cup 1998 Final Competition26 June 1998 Colombia : England 0:2 (0:2)FIFA World Cup 1998 Final Competition22 June 1998 Romania : England 2:1 (0:0)FIFA World Cup 1998 Final CompetitionPrevious WC Preliminaries Matches7 September 2005 Northern Ireland : England 1:0 (0:0)FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone3 September 2005 Wales : England 0:1 (0:0)FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone30 March 2005 England : Azerjan 2:0 (0:0)FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone26 March 2005 England : Northern Ireland 4:0 (0:0)FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone9 October 2004 England : Wales 2:0 (1:0)FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone8 September 2004 Poland : England 1:2 (0:1)FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone4 September 2004 Austria : England 2:2 (0:1)FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone2.9 ROONEY Wayne——————————————————————————–Date of birth: 24 October 1985Height: 178 cmWeight: 78 kgPosition: ForwardCurrent Club: Manchester United (ENG)Int”l Goals: 11 (as of 1-Jul-2006)Int”l Caps: 33 (as of 1-Jul-2006)First Int”l Cap: England v. Australia (12-Feb-2003)StatsKeyMP MinP GF PG A SOG S FRE YC RC FS4 252 0 0 0 4 5 0 0 1 1Gillette Best Young Player CandidateClub History2002-2004 Everton (ENG)Since 2004 Manchester United (ENG)ProfileThe thought of what Wayne Rooney might achieve at the FIFA World Cup™ is enough to whet the appetite of any England fan – without even getting to the other 22 members of Sven-Goran Eriksson’s squad.Simply recalling how Rooney performed at the 2004 UEFA European Championship, his first major international tournament, should set English pulses racing. Forget stage fright, it was the Liverpudlian teenager who was terrifying the opposition.Rooney struck twice against both Switzerland and Croatia to lead England to a quarter-final against Portugal where his early departure with a broken foot was a pivotal moment in a match Eriksson’s men eventually lost on penalties.Now 20, he is widely considered the finest natural talent in English football since Paul Gascoigne but where Gazza was 22 when he made his international debut, Rooney – as his performances in Portugal showed – was already England’s most important player at 18. Just as he appears to do things at a different speed to everyone else on the football pitch, so his career has progressed on fast-play.As a 14-year-old Rooney was starring for the U-19s at Everton, his boyhood club. Aged 16 he was in the Everton first team and signalled his arrival on the Premiership stage with an unforgettable first league goal against then champions Arsenal in October 2002. After taking the field as a late substitute he curled a spectacular last-minute strike over David Seaman to end Arsenal”s 30-match unbeaten run.The message was clear: with Rooney anything is possible. Just as defenders bounce off his stocky boxer”s frame, so he sends records tumbling. He beat James Prinsep”s 124-year record as England”s youngest player when, aged 17 years and 111 days, he made his debut against Australia on 12 February 2003. Seven months later, he became England”s youngest ever scorer when he struck the opening goal in a European Championship qualifying win in FYR Macedonia. He was 17 years and 317 days old.The football pitch, in the words of Colin Harvey, his former youth coach at Everton, is Rooney’s ‘playground’. Although a striker, he does his best work from deep, using his strength and skill to run at defenders while his vision creates openings for others.Michael Owen once described Rooney’s game as “running at people, playing in that hole, shooting from distance, passing the ball, bits of skill”. In other words just about everything. Not surprising for someone known to excel in central defence ring Young v Old games on the training ground – and who even enjoys trying his luck in goal.After leaving Everton for Manchester United in August 2004, Rooney soon showed that he was cheap at the £27million United paid for him. He struck a remarkable hat-trick on his debut at Old Trafford against Fenerbahce in the UEFA Champions League and ended the 2004/05 season with 11 goals from 29 league appearances and the Young Player of the Year award.He proced more of the same ring the 2005/06 campaign, notably with his man-of-the-match display in the League Cup final against Wigan Athletic where his two goals helped United to a 4-0 triumph – and himself to the first winner’s medal of his career.And although he did not net a single goal in England’s Germany 2006 qualifying campaign, the performance he gave in the friendly win over Argentina last November – a fearsome combination of raging bull and floating butterfly – underlines why England fans are expecting so much from him.Previous WC Preliminaries Matches12 October 2005 England : Poland 2:1 (1:1)FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone7 September 2005 Northern Ireland : England 1:0 (0:0)FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone3 September 2005 Wales : England 0:1 (0:0)FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone30 March 2005 England : Azerjan 2:0 (0:0)FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone26 March 2005 England : Northern Ireland 4:0 (0:0)FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone13 October 2004 Azerjan : England 0:1 (0:1)FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone9 October 2004 England : Wales 2:0 (1:0)FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone3.10 OWEN Michael——————————————————————————–Date of birth: 14 December 1979Height: 172 cmWeight: 67 kgPosition: ForwardCurrent Club: Newcastle United (ENG)Int”l Goals: 36 (as of 1-Jul-2006)Int”l Caps: 80 (as of 1-Jul-2006)First Int”l Cap: England v. Chile (11-Feb-1998)StatsKeyMP MinP GF PG A SOG S FRE YC RC FS3 115 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 2Club History1996-2004 Liverpool (ENG)2004-2005 Real Madrid (ESP)Since 2005 Newcastle United (ENG)ProfileMichael Owen was just 18 when he etched his name on to the minds of football fans around the world with one of the goals of the 1998 FIFA World Cup™.It was a moment that took the breath away as Owen, with the insouciance of youth, raced through the Argentina defence and fired a bullet shot into the top corner of Carlos Roa’s goal as if scoring a wonder goal in the FIFA World Cup finals was the most natural thing in the world. England lost that second-round match, but Owen was now a global star.In the intervening eight years, he has experienced many things – trophies with Liverpool, transfers to Real Madrid and Newcastle United, and injuries which have lessened fractionally his once-lightning speed – yet throughout this time he has not stopped doing what he started back in 1998, scoring for England.Owen grew up supporting Everton, the club where his father Terry once played, yet it was with their local rivals Liverpool that he learnt his trade. His goals helped Liverpool win the 1996 FA Youth Cup and the following year he made a goalscoring debut in a Premiership match at Wimbledon, aged 17 years and 143 days.Owen’s form in first full season in the Premiership was remarkable, the youngster netting 18 times in 36 league appearances, and it earned him his first England cap just nine months after his Liverpool debut, against Chile in February 1998. His first goal for England followed not long afterwards, in a friendly against Morocco on the eve of France 98.He started the finals that summer on the bench but after his scoring turn as a substitute in a 2-1 defeat by Romania, then manager Glenn Hoddle could no longer ignore his claims. Eight days later, with that goal against Argentina, the whole world knew about him.Owen has enjoyed plenty of high points since in an England shirt. In September 2001 he struck a hat-trick as England beat Germany 5-1 in a FIFA World Cup qualifier in Munich. The following summer he found the net against Denmark and Brazil as England reached the FIFA World Cup quarter-finals in Korea/Japan.He was on target three times in qualifying for Germany 2006 and in his final appearance of 2005 scored two headers against Argentina to give Sven-Goran Eriksson’s side a morale-boosting 3-2 friendly win – and leave himself with 35 goals from 75 international appearances. Only three players have recorded more goals for England.Owen’s finest hour to date at club level came in 2000/01 when his two late goals won the FA Cup for Liverpool against Arsenal. He also picked up League Cup and UEFA Cup winner’s medals that season and ended the year by becoming the first Englishman since Kevin Keegan 22 years earlier to collect the European Footballer of the Year award.By the time Owen left Liverpool in 2004 to join Real Madrid, he had scored 118 times in 216 league appearances for the Reds. He maintained his impressive strike rate in Madrid, where despite making only 20 league starts, he claimed 13 goals. However, frustration at his limited opportunities meant Owen returned to England in August 2005 to join Newcastle United.Owen, whose principal pastime away from football is horse-racing, has had an injury-hit year at Newcastle but after recovering from a broken metatarsal, he will be raring to go in Germany.Previous WC Final Matches21 June 2002 England : Brazil 1:2 (1:1)FIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition15 June 2002 Denmark : England 0:3 (0:3)FIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition12 June 2002 Nigeria : England 0:0FIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition7 June 2002 Argentina : England 0:1 (0:1)FIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition2 June 2002 England : Sweden 1:1 (1:0)FIFA World Cup Final 2002 Competition30 June 1998 Argentina : England 2:2 a.e.t (2:2, 2:2) 4:3 PSOFIFA World Cup 1998 Final Competition26 June 1998 Colombia : England 0:2 (0:2)FIFA World Cup 1998 Final Competition22 June 1998 Romania : England 2:1 (0:0)FIFA World Cup 1998 Final Competition15 June 1998 England : Tunisia 2:0 (1:0)FIFA World Cup 1998 Final CompetitionPrevious WC Preliminaries Matches12 October 2005 England : Poland 2:1 (1:1)FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone8 October 2005 England : Austria 1:0 (1:0)FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone7 September 2005 Northern Ireland : England 1:0 (0:0)FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone30 March 2005 England : Azerjan 2:0 (0:0)FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone26 March 2005 England : Northern Ireland 4:0 (0:0)FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone13 October 2004 Azerjan : England 0:1 (0:1)FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone9 October 2004 England : Wales 2:0 (1:0)FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone8 September 2004 Poland : England 1:2 (0:1)FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone4 September 2004 Austria : England 2:2 (0:1)FIFA WC 2006 Prel. Comp. European Zone4.4 GERRARD Steven——————————————————————————–Date of birth: 30 May 1980Height: 188 cmWeight: 78 kgPosition: MidfielderCurrent Club: Liverpool (ENG)Int”l Goals: 9 (as of 1-Jul-2006)Int”l Caps: 47 (as of 1-Jul-2006)First Int”l Cap: England v Ukraine (31-May-2000)StatsKeyMP MinP GF PG A SOG S SP5 411 2 0 0 2 8 128LP CRS YC RC TC TS FC FS69 16 1 0 11 9 2 6Club HistorySince 1998 Liverpool (ENG)ProfileThe heartbeat of his hometown club Liverpool, Steven Gerrard will travel to Germany desperate to make up for the disappointment of missing out on the 2002 FIFA World Cup™ because of injury.Gerrard

