
阅读:0 来源: 发表时间:2023-02-14 23:00作者:八卦会火
    接要: Frisky (Feat. Labrinth) 歌词歌曲名:Frisky(壮举Labrinth)歌手:提尼坦帕专辑:弗里斯基蒂尼坦帕(壮举。弗里斯基就是不La...

问题二、Frisky (Feat. Labrinth) 歌词


ctureGirl you better keep your distance I just wanna have eh ehI”m on a mission I don”t even wanna kiss herHoney I won”t even miss ya when I”m done with ya eh ehI just can”t stop the feeling (nothing else to say), don”t seem to go away.So if I hurt your feelings, (don”t take it the wrong way).It”s just because I”m…Oh la la la la, la la la la laOh la la la la, la la la friskyOh la la la la, la la la la laOh la la la la, la la la friskyOh la la la la, la la la la laOh la la la la, la la la friskyOh la la la la, la la la la laOh la la la la, la la la friskyOh la la la la, la la la la laOh la la la la, la la la friskyOh la la la la, la la la la laOh la la la la, la la la friskyI”m out of contorlIt”s taking this toeIt”s all alone way to goI don”t wanna take this piecebut I make for this so let”s take a raceI”m out of contorlIt”s taking this toeIt”s all alone way to goI don”t wanna take this piecebut I make for this so let”s take a raceOh la la…la la la… frisky Oh la la…la la la… friskyIf what I”m feeling yeah…If what I”m feeling yeah…FriskyOh la la la la, la la la la la(If what I”m feeling yeah…)Oh la la la la, la la la friskyOh la la la la, la la la la la(If what I”m feeling yeah…)Oh yeah… friskyI think I found a winner, with no ring around her finger.I just found woo says, but I think I”ve found a sinner.I think power with…If I told her I”m a boxer, would she let me down and (ahem)I wanna pick her up, and put her down.She gon be waking up my neighbours if I bring her round.Where I”m from if you”re famous you don”t go to tinsle town.Pose for a picture smile, the fashionista”s out.maxrnb – 你的欧美音乐首选

相关问题三、一日迷醉仿若一生 什么英文歌

英文歌曲《When I R.I.P.(Explicit)》,歌曲歌词中唱的“Just alive tryin''cause it's been a long day”中文意思是“一日迷醉仿若一生”。《When I R.I.P.(Explicit)》演唱:Labrinth,语种:英语,流派:Soundtrack,唱片公司:索尼音乐,发行时间:2019-10-04。Labrinth,1989年1月4日出生,英国歌手、词曲作者、说唱歌手和唱片制作人。歌词:Cheer cheer they been waiting for meHaha what the f**k the f**kFeel the morning on my faceAin't a pill that I didn't takeJust alive tryin''cause it's been a long day'Cause I'm asleep when I R I PBa-da-ba-damFlashbacks relapses camera flashAnd don't forget your hashtagRucksack white stacksYou're a dead man you better rid of that gatYou gonna run game they don't ever run you uhWhen they breakin'on your name you say f**k you too tooYou say f**k a court case give detective no clues clues'Cause I'm Indiana J when I'm trippin'on the juiceNow let's get real quietFeel so feel so stupid uh-oh-uhYe-yeah talk to me'Bout to make a big deal uproarAnd I'm in for the kill La RouxB***h lookin'like a meal contourPercocetin''til we can't feel no moreAnd I smoked somethin'that gon'knock me out outSomehow this body just won't stay down downNow let's get real quietFeel the morning on my faceAin't a pill that I didn't takeBa-da-ba-damJust alive tryin''cause it's been a long dayBa-da-ba-dam'Cause I'm asleep when I R I PBa-da-ba-dam以上内容参考 QQ音乐-When I R.I.P.(Explicit)



亢奋第二季开头是Call Me Irresponsible,这首歌。简直把我震撼到窒息特别是听到第一个switch的地方,熟悉的配乐风格几乎能让人立刻认出这首歌由Labrinth之手进行重编。于是心里想着,太好了,亢奋完整地回归了。Labrinth的音乐创作完全依靠剧集给予他的灵感,他希望以一种现代、新潮的方式,用音乐提升剧集的质感。亢奋第二季开头歌音乐人简介Labrinth自嘲自己是兄弟姐妹中音乐玩得最烂的一个。成为音乐制作人也不是他的本心,Lab最初的爱好是画画,但在看到哥哥玩电子鼓机之后,他瞬间就被那台机器俘获了。正是因为从小受到各种音乐类型的浸润Lab还开玩笑说自己是音乐精神分裂症,Labrinth为《亢奋》制作的配乐风格各异但又自成体系:电子、R&B、爵士、摇滚、嘻哈。有粉丝甚至说他应该独自立一个叫「亢奋」的流派。显然,他的出现就是非裔音乐人不应该被urban music这一音乐流派名称束缚的最好证明。


Labrinth – Let The Sunshine feel a cold flush going through my hairand hey you know whati dont even carethe time has passed me byits gone with the windits only cus the sun shined once againnow the party”s oneverybody”唤旅枝s thereand if you dont know anyoneyou”ll still meet some new friendsthat”s the way it iswhen i have myself a drinkits only cus the sun shines once againlet the sun shinelet the sun shine babylet it all golet it all go babylet the sun shinelet the sun shine babylet it all golet it all go babyso turn the lights offaint no one afraidwhen the night comesit”ll be just like the dayand without the dayi am glowing from withinonly cus the sun shined once againso play that sweet tuneplay it through the airand the volumeblaze it updont you ask me twiceyou know i”和敏镇肢m gonna bidonly cus the sun shined once againlet the sun shinelet the sun shine babylet it all golet it all go babylet the sun shinelet the sun shine babylet it all golet it all go babyi know that the world is gonna smile againwhen we go from the darkness into the lightohhhlet the sun shinelet the sun shinelet the sun shinelet the sun shine babylet it all golet it all go babylet the sun shinelet the sun shine babylet it all golet it all go baby (x2)let the sun shine yeah eh eyy yeah



真相捕捉第一名原本是想给《亢奋》的,但看完这部之后就马上改变主意了,实在是太diao了!全程冒冷汗,短短六集,节奏紧凑,信息量巨大。男主人公Shaun在一次执行军事任务中击杀了一位危险分子,但由于记录仪的延时漏洞让他被控告谋杀罪,在律师Hannah和视频专家的帮助下,他重回自由,讨回清白。可是当他与爱慕对象Hannah在公交车站告别之后却陷入了莫名其妙的阴谋漩涡中,一个监控摄像头拍到了他袭击并绑架Hannah的画面。Shaun真的绑架了Hannah吗?是PTSD让他行为异常头脑混乱?又或者另有隐情呢?对此,接手此案的女警官Rachel开始了一段意想不到的揭秘行动。当个体沦为一个个被监控的像素格,掌权者成为肆意摆布真相的正义者,真相和正义就完全变味了。当你以为对抗的是越权的官方时,所谓的控诉者亦非完全清白,为了不被蒙在鼓里你步步逼近,到最后才发现大局为重才是最优解。事事讲求证据的司法体系未必保护无辜者,声嘶力竭的控诉者也非清白的无辜者,狐假虎威的执权者在监控手无寸铁的普罗大众时其实也被高不可及的幕后人操控。每个所谓的利益既得者在道德与法制失衡的世界里轻易就会成为下一个受害者,而每一个暴露在冰冷机器前的血肉之躯也不过是为大局而生的祭祀者。个人认为第一季的结局其实是最好的,很无奈很残酷,但这就是现实。面对它接受它,或者改变它离开它。听说已经在拍第二季了,希望别崩。亢奋和《真相捕捉》一样,《亢奋》充斥的关于青少年吸毒、xing、暴力和谎言的片段也会引起不安,但和前者的真实相比,后者更多了些如饮酒后的迷幻感。以Rue、Jules、Nate、Kat、Cassie等一众青年男女的成长故事多线叙述,展现了一个不一样的花花世界。霓虹灯下,看似不堪的故事背后是一段段尽兴的青春,浮夸艳丽的妆容下是一张张稚嫩的脸,拒人千里的冷漠外壳里是一颗颗千疮百孔的心。尺度太大也好,过分颓废糜烂也罢,都不可否认这部剧的确或多或少反应了当代青少年的成长境遇,也警醒我们重视青少年的心理健康。整体上无论是运镜,摄影,剪辑,灯光都非常炫酷,尤其是Labrinth制作的原声带,可以说是给这部剧注入了灵魂。致命女人第三名是风评很好的《致命女人》,以三个不同时期入住同一幢别墅的女人为主角,呈现了一部女权色彩强烈,精彩纷呈,制作工整的抓马大戏。正如“女人为何而杀戮”的剧名,在第一集就开门见山,三位女主家庭主妇Beth、社交名媛Simone和开放式婚姻践行者Taylor她们都杀人了,但是为什么呢?为了报复出轨且间接害死女儿的丈夫?为了成全饱受病痛折磨的爱人?为了保护生命受到威胁的伴侣?看到最后你就晓得。但要我说,无论这三位女士怎么霸气,主角还是那幢 “Haunted House” 哈哈哈,似乎闻到了美恐的味道。切尔诺贝利接着是在豆瓣高达9.6分的《切尔诺贝利》它以1986年4月发生在苏联的切尔诺贝利核电站爆炸案为原型,讲述了这起堪称人类史上最严重的人为灾害之一的起因经过及结果。很理解为什么有人会觉得太沉重以至于不敢看,因为即便早就知道这注定是人类的灾难,还是会不自觉跟着事件与人物一起挣扎和难受。浓烟烈火,血肉模糊,家破人亡的惨状背后是政府的隐瞒,权欲的作恶,真相的报复。即便已经过去了33年,爆炸对环境所造成的破坏依旧无法逆转,即便只是透过屏幕彼时彼刻的压抑和无力依然感同身受。实在无法想象当年那75万青年是抱着怎样的心情,前往那座杀伤力比广岛原子弹还强两倍以上的城市。

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