Black Pumas,puma

阅读:0 来源: 发表时间:2023-02-16 20:33作者:八卦会火
    接要: 第63届格莱美公布提名名单,都有哪些明星上榜?北京时间11月25日凌晨,第63届格莱美奖公布提名名单。名单中显示,碧昂丝2020年虽然没有专辑问世,但凭其歌Bl...


北京时间11月25日凌晨,第63届格莱美奖公布提名名单。名单中显示,碧昂丝2020年虽然没有专辑问世,但凭其歌唱实力获得9项提名领跑,是潜在的将囊括最多奖项的得主。获得6项提名,紧随其后的是格莱美长期的座上客“霉霉”泰勒·斯威夫特、Roddy Ricch和近年大火起来的“啪姐”Dua Lipa。Brittany Howard获得5项提名,另类少女“碧梨”比莉·艾利什、Megan Thee Stallion、DaBaby、Phoebe Bridgers、新婚不久的贾斯汀·比伯、John Beasley和David Frost获得4项提名。Lady Gaga近年来人气有下降的趋势,只收获了包括最佳流行专辑和最佳流行合作2项格莱美提名。名声响震欧美乐坛的BTS防弹少年团创造历史,获得最佳流行组拦余困合/团体表演提名,成为第一个获得格莱美提名的韩国艺人组合。而实力唱匠“盆栽”The Weeknd与Nicki Minaj未获任何提名引发网友热议。 两人也是发毁行推吐槽了格莱美“遗漏”了他们的这个“错误”行为。未获提名的Nicki Minaj发文吐槽称永远忘不了格莱美在当初她有7首歌同时在Billboard打榜,并且其成绩比前十年任何一个女说唱歌手都优秀的时候,格莱美却没有颁给她最佳新人奖。她的歌激励、影响了一代人,但格莱美却把奖项给了一个白人歌手Bon Iver。同样令人遗憾的是,韩国女团BLACKPINK2020年也提交了年度新人、年度歌曲、年度制作和最佳流行合作四项大奖的提名,最终也没能入围格莱美。不过,既然BTS防弹少年团作为韩国顶流男团能入简念围格莱美,BLACKPINK作为顶流女团的未来也不是不可期的。那就等待2021年, 相信BLACKPINK也同样会交出一份令人满意的成绩单!


Black Pumas,puma



Cougar is in the United States found a lot of cats. When the London Zoo have received reports that the Puma in a wild 45 miles south of London, where was found, and no attention. But with the accumulation of evidence, the zoo”s experts feel the need to investigate this, because those who claim to see Puma describes the people”s very similar. Puma search of a small town in the beginning, that the town has a woman said she picked the time to see the BlackBerry a “big cats” in her only from five yards away. In women see it, it immediately escaped, but experts claim that Puma unless forced to helplessness, or will not attack people. The survey is not very smooth, Puma was found at the local and was found at the place of more than 20 miles apart. Where whether or not it, it will be all the way left of the dead deer and small animals like rabbits. Footprints in many places there are Puma Nien was found in bushes in the hair. Several people have complained about the evening, “like a cat called the noise” There is also a businessman in the fishing see a Puma in a tree. Experts did not fully believe that animal is Puma, but it is the Congna Lai » Puma because there is no escape from any park of the report, this is certainly one of the private farmers, then I do not know what the reasons for fleeing out. Search continued for several weeks, but did not catch Puma. Think there is still a dangerous beast in the quiet village Happy comfortable really disturbing.

Black Pumas,puma



