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一年一度的鉴赏家聚会又开始了。感谢大家来alt:第28届香港电影金像奖,欢迎现场。毛顺军:狮子是中国文化的代表,结合了香港,具有独创性。这是香港电影的百年纪念,所以我们要庆祝一下。刚才你穿过我们的红地毯,塔楼等。都是香港的标志,这些都很典型。在王祖蓝:当中虽然有高有低,但是从来没有消失过,因为我们爱,爱香港电影。在2008年,有很多结婚戒指,我们会很高兴这些。林子聪:我希望你办这个仪式,再请一位特别的客人过来帮忙。天齐文:总是讲香港电影,是否有人知道香港电影第一名?钱家乐:我知道,香港第一部电影叫《烤ck》,1909年年,那是一个非常瘦的小偷偷和非常胖的烤ck,被警察抓了Lou:这一百年前的雪找,你是怎么知道的?千家乐:我有镜头。你有没有发现娄已经百岁了?今年片名去了香港电影:我们会发现很多经典的手法,导演的电影,王有一个联欢晚会,但是如果大家都讲得太多,我们就开不了运动会:你好100 . gude Zhao :欢迎仪式现场:的喜剧并不容易,我们在电影中看到的,却是许多喜剧电影的奖项。很少获奖,但是你不是喜剧演员就是喜剧演员。我在哭,经历是一分钟,但很难笑一分钟106 .备选案文观众认为哭很容易,非常,但是

the acting without provocation, easy to smile, will sometimes sit, will also smile.GuDeZhao: laugh so beautiful, MaoJie applause, filming smiling very appealing, it is difficult to feel funny in them.Alt: we look at the audience response, we can see the speech, please everyone amused smile, please immediately before the nominated by the smiling, acting will know who can award. ZhangGuHui nominees, is very happy smile.GuDeZhao: speak for a long time, not immediately began awards ceremony, the first please.MaoShunJun: please make soup with LiuMeiJun only.The lichen GuoZiJian won best director xu jiao new in the Yangtze river 7 won best new actor awardLiuMeiJun: hello.Tang wei: hello.LiuMeiJun: as we went out first prize, “new director award.Big screen: “the new director” nominations are GuoZiJian: the moss, The sun in the sky; MaiXiYin” The west coast of intimacy.LiuMeiJun: “the 28th Hong Kong film awards”, “the new director of GuoZiJian lichen.GuoZiJian: thank you very much for the judges voted for me, and give me a chance, let the chance I will thank the many people on the first, I want to thank LuoJiaZhen sand-scrubbing, then give me the first chance of the alt, teddy LuoBin shooting, I must thank my master YeWeiXin, taught me many things, and LuoWenKang writers, I want to thank Mr Shawn yue, fan less imperial protagonist. This drama actors, thank you very much for so many.LiuMeiJun: just about, as it is awarded “best new actor award.Tang wei: we look at the big screen.Big screen: “the best new actor” nominations are MoXiaoJi: the sea of fire; half half The woman ZhangYuQi bad, LiangJinLong tin shui wai “day and night, Lin ling; “red cliff,” Xu jiao 7 of the Yangtze river.Tang wei: xu jiao 7 of the Yangtze river.Xu jiao: get this award, excited (90 applause), thank you for weeks, dad gave me this opportunity, can let me stand here, thank you for organizing committee, thank all awards at me, dad, I finally got a hundred.Alt: congratulations, very true, thanks to our guests of the awards. Here, I want to thank Hong Kong film development fund, every year to some of the costs to encourage the new director winners, is 30 million.MaoShunJun: we greet the Hong Kong film for a hundred years.GuDeZhao: one hundred years, how do we greeting? We find the material, the first part of Hong Kong play called “steal roast ck”, a hundred years ago, a director took a film called “stolen” roast ck, but couldn”t find it, we specially for different people with different recreate the classical methods of Hong Kong, we steal roast ck with a look that what is the technique.The modern version of “stolen” — a roast ck DuMenZe, QianJiaLe “stolen”) without cks,Alt: modern version.GuDeZhao: continue our is a comedy combination of MC here, as director, comedy to succeed, the most important is a excellent stand-up comedian.MaoShunJun: of course.Alt: do you think you belong to?GuDeZhao: I belong to director, but good comedian is important to them, not shy, with wonder, is not ashamed to itself, to sincerely to entertain the audience, it doesn”t matter what you do, FanChuan, ghost WuMa six, anyhow spectators.Alt: very not easy, is a gorgeous maomao ().GuDeZhao: rarely so beautiful and ugly most beautiful, what do you think?MaoShunJun: although I am a comedian, but somehow, like comedy in tragedy.Alt: why?MaoShunJun: like I always tell your partner, you always play my boyfriend, husband, that is the tragedy of me.Don”t speak with alt: so miserably.MaoShunJun: most miserably, or after, the somebody else say with me and you look line, this is grief.Alt: actually, you are beautiful, you look very much like LinFengJiao.MaoShunJun: you disorderly speak, so as Jackie chan.Alt: so similar, only have FangZuMing son.GuDeZhao: welcome FangZuMing and xue kaiqi.Two alt: welcome ceremony.HuangYueTai with different “won best cinematographyFangZuMing: hello, I”m FangZuMing.Xue kaiqi: hello, I am xue kaiqi.FangZuMing: I don”t want to talk, so we disorderly meeting prepared some words to say, here, you ask.Xue kaiqi: one, FangZuMing, I want to visit, why should you into the entertainment circle?FangZuMing: besides like music, just don”t know what the other. You take the most embarrassing experience is?Xue kaiqi: kiss.FangZuMing: me too.Xue kaiqi: feel.FangZuMing: that”s my play well.Xue kaiqi: shooting for you, what is the most moving?FangZuMing: everybody here, except in the opening of the album, or by friends whom you wish, besides can stop appreciation, we see “optimal photography” nominations.Xue kaiqi: good.Big screen: “optimal photography” nominations are ZhangDongLiang: “three the dragon”, ZhengZhaoJiang “sparrow”, LvLe, ZhangLi; “red cliff,” HuangYueTai proctions, KeXingPei “leaf”.FangZuMing: you read it.Xue kaiqi: let you read.FangZuMing: HuangYueTai proctions.HuangYueTai: thanks very much, let me feel very accidental, thanks to the different background all domestic staff, this is the first time I cast of the multi-purpose domestic film, or nearly twenty years on time. This play has many difficult, not me, is another group of my brother HuangGuHui, many kung-fu masters of the play, and he is for my partner and good effects, very beautiful actress, very beautiful scenes, thanks.Alt: thanks very much, each time out award stuffy don”t boring? Two continue.Xue kaiqi: actually, clip of actors movie is very important, for example, can not so good things will be better, or some bad cut off.FangZuMing: as we take the precocious “will not cooked cut into practice.Big screen: “best editing” nominations are: David Richardson “sparrow”, LinAn son, Robert a. Ferretti “red cliff,”; YangGongYu, QiuZhiWei “keep calling, The witness of ChenQi together, ZhangJiaHui “leaf”.Xue kaiqi QiuZhiWei: “keep calling.ChenMuSheng QiuZhiWei: because of the new movie director tsui hark is working, so I didn”t come to represent him, and cast him for the ticket.




  • moxiaoqi,神犬小七(帮我找一下神犬小七)


